Murder at the Manor Tea
I’m excited to announce a tea party to die for is coming Orange!
It’s an opportunity to get together with all of you and support a non-profit for the arts!
Whimsicalitea, a federally recognized 501(c)(3) entity with programs designed to cultivate and nurture performing and culinary artists, fine artists, handwork crafters, authors, musicians, and other creatives with an emphasis on literacy advocacy and cultural connectivity.
Reservations are now open for underwriting opportunities, sponsor-level, and standard reservations for this event will open July 22
You’re invited to join in the fun . . .
Sponsor-level Reservations and Underwriting Opportunities are now open
Standard $125 reservations open July 22, for . . .
Murder at the Manor
a Paris In A Cup tribute tea & fundraiser for Whimsicalitea Arts
Sunday, September 17, 2023 at 2pm
The French Estate's front garden
248 S Batavia St, Orange, CA 92868
Sponsorship information . . .
Underwriting opportunities information . . .
Sponsorship payments preferred via Zelle.
Our Zelle contact info is
Underwriting payments and Standard reservations are available on the website. Please see the button below.
A very important date . . .
Standard reservations open on July 22, 2023
Standard reservations become available July 22
Le Menu . . .
Non-Sponsor Reservations - Reservations with Underwriting Opportunities open July 15, Standard $125 reservations open July 22. PayPal buttons will be posted for non-sponsor reservations payable with all credit cards, no PayPal account required
Mystery - Owing to the expected warmth of the season and the fact we will be sitting outside, in addition to our hosting a silent auction & drawing, we've decided to drastically curtail the whodunnit aspect of the event. In fact, it you blink or go powder your nose, you might miss it!
Parking - The French Estate is in a residential area where parking can be an "issue."
What to Wear - A Little Black Dress if you please. Gents, feel free to have at it!
Silent Auction & Drawing - We hope to have at least 6 silent auction items & 12 drawing baskets available. If you'd like to contribute, we'd be so grateful we'd promise not to bump you off during the mystery
Ads in Program - Business card-size ads (3.5"x2") are available for $25. Email us at if you'd like to participate
Dietary Restrictions - Because this is an off-site, catered event, the menu is set, and thus we are unable to accommodate any dietary requests. See picture below for the menu.
Proceeds - The standard $125 reservation covers catering, venue rental, and a $25 donation. Additional costs such as centerpieces, party favors, payment fees, and so on require underwriting. All proceeds go to Whimsicalitea—a 501(c)(3) arts nonprofit
Cancellations/Refunds - All reservations are final, and there are no refunds. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to give your spot to a loved one, or you may elect to donate your seat back to us and take a full $125 tax deduction on your payment
A Crafternoon Tea Party
Create something fascinating to adorn the top of your head in preparation of our LBD tea in September
Friday, August 25th at 11am
in the small private patio of
McKenna's Tea Cottage in Seal Beach
$49.75 includes light afternoon tea (sandwiches, scone), basic craft supplies (headbands clips, tulle, ribbon, glue guns) tax, tip, PayPal fees. Please feel free to bring embellishments to share!
We hope you can make it!
Merci A bientot!